Assignment Question (HBMT2103)
Misconception on capacity may arise among the students while teaching Volume of liquid especially when comparing capacity of two containers that can hold more. Students often make the comparison on height rather than its capacity.Find ONE(1) video in the internet that show how volume of liquid are measured.Create TWO (2) teaching aids that can be applied to Year Two students to help them understand better.Based on your teaching aids, you are required to create TWO (2) teaching activities;each for high achiever and low achiever students.Finally,you are required to develop your own blog and post the video,teaching aids and teaching activities in your blog.You are free to choose any platform that are available in the internet.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Misconception Of Volume Of Liquid


Children often believe that the amount of liquid has changed when a set amount has been poured from one container to another of a different size. They believe that there is more liquid in the one that has the highest level e.g. the left hand containers in figures b and c.
          Children can develop an understanding of the measurement process by exploring a variety of meaningful measuring activities with real materials from their environment.It is best to begin the study of capacity by using direct comparisons.


Activity 1.1 (for low achiever): 

Learning Outcomes:

- Compare the volumes of two liquids by direct comparison.

Teaching aids 1:

                          2 stainless steel containers labeled X and Y
                          Variety of empty assorted containers 
                          (Each container should be labeled with a different letter A-F)
                          containers may be rotated among groups.

                           Funnel (2 -liter bottle with the end cut out)(one per group)       
                           A scoop with no markings (one per group) 
                           A large  white plastic container  to catch spills (one per group)

                                 A large water jug


1) Define “capacity ”as how much something will hold.When we talk about
   capacity we use word like (holds more than/holds less than,holds the most/
   holds the least and holds the same amount.)

2) Show the class the assortment of containers and discuss how they are
   used in real life.

3) Demonstrate the process students will use to compare the capacity of
   two containers by using  a stainless container labeled "X"and
   another  stainless steel container labeled "Y".

4) Guide students to record their prediction.They should predict the
   large container  hold more or hold less than the small container?

5) Explain to students that they must record their prediction by filling in the letter (X or Y)
     to complete the sentences:
    "I think container ___ will hold less." ,"I think container __ will hold more."

6) Encourage students to include in their responses the need to compare two containers, fill  one container and pour it into the other.They can use the funnel  and the
      scoop to fill the water from the big water jug. Have the students to record their 
      findings in Capacity Comparisons Recording Sheet.

7)  Provide a wide variety of assorted containers for this investigation.Each containers 
     should be  labeled with a different letter A-F so that students can identify and 
     talk about the containers easily. 

8)  Each group of 2-4 students should be given two containers .
     (Not all groups need to have the same containers)

9)  The group should indicate which containers they were given by recording on the 
     recording sheets the letters found on their two containers.

10) Allow students to trade containers with other groups until each group has had 
      opportunity to  investigate all of the containers A-F.

11) Share the results of the investigation in a class discussion.

Activity 1.2( for high achiever): 

Learning Outcomes:

- Compare the volumes of two liquids by direct comparison.


1) Define “capacity ”as how much something will hold.When we talk about
   capacity we use word like (holds more than/holds less than,holds the most/
   holds the least and holds the same amount.)

2) Show the class the assortment of containers and discuss how they are
   used in real life.

3) Demonstrate the process students will use to compare the capacity of
   two containers by using  a stainless container labeled "X"and
   another  stainless steel container labeled "Y".

4) Guide students to predict.They should predict the large container
   hold more or hold less than the small container?

5) Next repeat the previous investigation using four containers and a
   funnel instead of just two containers.

6) In this investigation, students will put the containers in order from
   the containers with the most capacity to the containers with the least
   capacity. the group should indicate which containers they were given by
   recording on the Capacity Order Recording Sheet the letters found on
   their four containers.

7) Share the results of the investigation in a class discussion.

Activity 2.1 (for low achiever): 

Learning Outcomes:

- Measure volumes of liquid using standard units.

Teaching aids 2:

         A variety of different size and shape drinking glasses 
          measuring cylinders marked to the nearest 10 mL

                                        A variety of different size and shape bowls
                             Several bottles of different volumes   


Introduce the students to the concept of birthday party’s and discuss 
what happens at these. Explain that this week they will be working at
different stations to help prepare for a party. In each of these stations 
they will need to measure volume accurately. Points that may need to be 
discussed as work progresses include:   
- The importance of estimation and the value of accurate estimation. 
- The relationship between millilitres and litres. 
- Reading volumes and scales to an appropriate accuracy. 
- Sometimes it will be possible to estimate half way between marked volumes.  
As for the low achiever  students they just need to measure volume of liquid 
in station one and station two.    

Station One

In this station students accurately measure the volume of a variety of 
different drinking glasses.
Student instructions (Worksheet 1)

Station Two
In this station students accurately measure the volume of a variety of bowls that could be 
used to make jelly.
Student instructions (Worksheet 2)

Activity 2.2 (for high achiever):     
Learning Outcomes:  
- Measure volumes of liquid using standard units.      
As for the high achiever  students they just need to measure volume of liquid 
in station three .  
Station Three
In this station students calculate and measure the volume of sauce needed for the party.
Student Instructions (Worksheet 3)

Mok Soon Sang.(2004).A primary education course in mathematics for post graduate diploma(k.p.l.i).Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd, Subang Jaya. 

Mok Soon Sang.(1997).matematik kbsr dan strategi pengajaran. 
Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd, Subang Jaya.   

Lee Tak Sing  ,Mathematics ,Teks book (  Part 2)  Hypersurf Corporation Sdn. Bhd ,2003    

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